

Aprils Gone By

Tricky month you are, April. Trying us with your incessant showers, keeping us hanging on with your promise of future flowers, why do you tease and displease so? All we want is some sun and fun, and maybe we’ll find some sooner rather than later. I’m due back from Chicago, so this post is a tidy little place-stopper until I resume real-time blogging. Hang on, little tomatoes.

Last April, not unlike this April, was all about The Delusional Grandeur Tour.

April 2015 was all about the Hunks (and a nearly-nude Zac Efron).

Minneapolis provided the backdrop for the bulk of posts from April 2014.

Cocktails, flowers, and shirtless guys – all the usual for April 2013.

April 2012 was more of the same – Madonna and bulges and the like.

Finally, all that remains from April 2011 are Madonna and Tom Ford. The way it should be.

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