

Annual Easter Awfulness

Beware the evil Easter bunny! He will snatch you up with his devilish grin and you will be destined to live a life shrouded in purple tulle forever after. Such was the likely nightmare scenario being played out in my mind as my Mom made me sit on this frightening creature’s lap one Easter season. It was at the now-long-gone Mohawk Mall, but I still remember it distinctly, and the expression on my face betrays how terrified I was.

Now it is a favorite photo of all those who love nothing more than taking the piss out of me (the numbers of which grow exponentially larger with each passing year it seems). Anyway, enjoy it now. I do. And even though I still get a little anxious and herky-jerky when one of these things is on the loose (in a mall or restaurant at this time of the year), I’ve mostly made my peace with the big bunny. Happy Easter everybody!

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