

An Unfit President’s Recap

The post says all I will say about the buffoon occupying and disgracing the Oval Office right now. I’m too busy painting bathrooms and figuring out a new iPhone to make much sense of anything else anyway. It’s also the first day of a new cycle of Mercury in retrograde – so get ready for some insanity to see us all the way to March 10. I am so not ready for that jelly. God save the queen. On with the recap…

It began with a drive through Andy’s past.

Emi Lu drew us a ship on the sea.

Admiration from afar for the African violet.

Some Speedo bulges to warm the winter.

Palo Santo for the soul (a.k.a. Holy Wood).

A strategically-placed pillow hides my junk.

Just for funsies.

A tale of two foxes.

Messy Valentine’s visage.

A little love song for Valentine’s Day.

An afternoon cup of tea, solo-style. 

The Buddha in winter, beneath the falling snow. 

This is how I meditate.

From the liquor bar to the shampoo bar, courtesy of the Beekman Boys. 

Hunks of the Day included Anthony Ramos, Kevin Lee, Steve Brockman, Taika Waititi, and J.R. Price.


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