

An October Evening Recap

Settling into a new schedule takes some adjustment. I’d ask how you were enjoying the new set-up, but it’s not changing anytime soon so what’s the point? I dig it, a lot, and as a wise man once said I should be doing what makes me happy here, so let’s go over the last week in posts. Then I’ll see you on Thursday.

It began in earnest in the spirit of Miranda Priestley

Tom Ford offered something that was truly ‘Fucking Fabulous.’

Billy Joel gave us music for night-walking

Meet Matthew Olson, the shirtless violinist

Rose fireworks

Nyle DiMarco got butt-ass naked

A Boston mooning

October: the month that goes Boo!

A Tom Ford fragrance that won’t break the bank. 

Cameron Dallas takes his first bow as Hunk of the Day. 

The trumpet of an angel

When the spring becomes the rose

Send in the clown.

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