

An Awful Week Still Gets a Recap

While things were kept sunny and cheery on the blog, this past week in real life was wretched. Across the board, it sucked, even while dinner and movie nights with Suzie and Skip respectively helped keep the tears at bay. Maybe it’s just the realization that with mid-November comes the irrefutable fact of winter up next, and after a summer that left such a chill in our hearts, I’m not sure I can handle what winter will bring. 

Driving home from work the other day, just as the sun was going down (because that’s what pushing time back does to us) I saw this strange color variation in the sky. This is not, despite what it might look like, a picture of the sun and surrounding clouds – this section of sky was a good distance away from where the sun was shining, so I’m not sure what was going on in the atmosphere, or how this might be explained because I’m not Bill Nye the science guy. At any rate, it made me stop in my non-stop day, and in that brief arrested state I wanted to weep a little because some days feel dark no matter how bright the sky may be. 

My grief of late seems to be taking a consistent and all-pervasive state of agitation and annoyance, when it doesn’t have me simply sleepwalking through the average day. The latter has always been worse than the former for me: I’d rather be agitated and annoyed than apathetic and completely devoid of engagement, but that’s where I’ve been finding myself. It’s not a pleasant place to be. When I was younger I would see people with the sort of vacant and unfocused stares I find myself giving out now, and back then I’d wonder at why they had given up. I can understand a little more these days, and that’s somewhat frightening. Maybe I am just getting old. Or older. More on that in one of the links below. 

As for this upcoming entry to the holiday season proper, I may just decide to go full Ebenezer Scrooge without the redemptive ending. Not to worry, as the great Alexander Dumas once wrote, “I’ll bury my grief deep inside me and I’ll make it so secret and obscure that you won’t even have to take the trouble to sympathize with me.” On with the weekly recap, albeit abbreviated!

Open 9 to 5, what a way to make a living.

A fall fragrance puts things back in the saddle

Bedtime by Madonna.

Glen Powell got all naked and nude for Men’s Health. 

Sassy betrayed me.

I’ve still never seen an entire episode of ‘The Simpsons’.

Is it snarky if it’s true? Or is it snarky because it’s true?

We gardeners are not crazy.

After everything else that went wrong this week, I also got assaulted at Supercuts while getting a fucking haircut

While the world burned, our Friendsgiving weekend in Boston (which now feels like it never even happened at all) filled the posts here, giving the impression that all was well. Those fun days got recapped in this post, so I won’t bother you with them all again. 

Now, who the fuck is ready for turkey?!?

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