

An April Day Recap

A Monday night recap, courtesy of April, leaps up like a frog, all spring eagerness and excitement, coupled with annoyance and impatience. April is messy like that. On with the last week before we get deep into the next one…

It began in fitting spring form, with a pair of ducks crossing a street in downtown Saratoga, as ducks are wont to do. 

It doesn’t get much more epic than Rob Gronkowski sniffing Zac Efron’s Freedom Speedo while The Rock looks on admiringly. 

Gimme an ‘A’!

These #TinyThreads all lead somewhere… right?

The Jonas Brothers went all Cool

The beauty of being in the bed.

Chromantics across the sea.

The Madonna Timeline returned with ‘Forbidden Love‘ from the ‘Bedtime Stories’ album.

Shawn Mendes in shirtless motion.

Ladies & gentlemen: the Grasshopper.  

Hunks of the Day included Jacob WhitesidesJulian Jiamachello, Charles-Laurent, Gethin Jones, Kris Kelly, and Gavin Creel. 

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