

A Wonky & Wayward Moment

The past week has felt wonky and weird, and every time I’ve gone out anywhere the roads have been filled with madness and drivers making very questionable decisions. I’ve felt it in stores and restaurants too, almost to the point where I’ve looked around to see if Candid Camera was still operating from some 80’s time capsule. It felt that extreme, and I couldn’t understand why since we’ve already had a full moon.

Then someone posted that Mercury is again in retrograde, and will be until April 25. 

Well fuckety-fuck we are oh-so-fucked.

Knowing that, however, alleviates some of the anxiety that a world suddenly gaslighting me had put into my head. It’s not that the whole world has conspired against me – it’s just Mercury in retrograde! This isn’t your fault, this isn’t my fault – this is Mercury’s fault! And now that we know, we can embrace these little attacks and brush them off with customary nonchalance. 

Enjoy the roller coaster ride until April 25 my friends! 

Here, have a bouquet of peony tulips to ease the trauma.

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