

A Walk Filled With Riotous Color

Back when I was attending Brandeis University in the mid-90’s (cue age-related shriek) I would occasionally walk from Porter Square to Harvard Square. Though they are but one T-stop apart, the walk was of decent length, and perfect for a bit of mind-clearing and contemplation. At that time, there wasn’t much more than a few stores scattered rather far between one another, but since then a number have moved into the space. I walked this stretch the last time I was in town, and stopped at the space seen in these photos.

As can be gleaned, it was a colorfully eclectic collection of objects from around the world – charming bits of wreckage that, taken together, formed an overwhelming sensation of sensory overload in the best possible manner.

Sometimes more is more.

Crepe paper flowers always make me smile.

Cambridge certainly knows how to make a colorful impression.

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