

A Very Sunny Recap

Still on a high from this year’s BroSox Adventure (stay tuned for that tale as old as time), I’m easing into the work-week while taking in the Tony Awards. Summer is practically here, and we’ve had a weekend of sunshine, so give me just a little more time to mourn the end of such a grand time. Let’s go back a week and start it all over again…

The #TinyThreads thread.

The Flower Clock begins its countdown.

Jason Momoa got shirtless

This Thursday marks the GLSEN Gala.

A hint of the BroSox Adventure to come. 

Once Upon a Project.

A family get-together for Memorial Day.

The Ilagan twins jumped stumps. 

Love bloomed with a visit from Tyler and Kevin

More of Albany in love.

Sunny dayssweeping the clouds away

Hunks of the Day included Alan Bersten and Nick Dompierre.

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