

A Very Special Birthday Wish List

Go to the wood and bring me back…

This August will see me turning 40 years old. While some may see no reason in celebrating such a milestone (and I may be one of them) I’ll be damned if I don’t take advantage of the once-in-a-lifetime moment and put forth a wish list worthy of such a fat number. This one is for my parents and husband, who, when left to their own devices, do their best but occasionally miss the mark when it comes to gift ideas. As in so many other arenas of my life, guessing what I might like for a present is dangerously difficult territory. I know this, I acknowledge this, and I apologize for it. Let this wish list go some way toward alleviating the pressure and the guess-work. (And they say I don’t care!)

First up is the most elusive and difficult to find. As of now, it is completely sold out everywhere, but whispers of it on ebay have reached my ears, and “if you want something badly enough the whole world conspires to help you get it.” These are the gorgeous  Jeremy Scott Adidas Wings 3.0 “Gold”, Size 9.5 or 10 designed by the brilliant Jeremy Scott (I will make either size work for a thing of such beauty.) Being the hardest to procure, by natural design they are the ones I want the most. If anything would mark my 40th in a special way, these golden wings would be it. (Again, Size 9.5 or 10 would work, and these are not to be mistaken for similar wing-tips that Mr. Scott has produced – these are the ADIDAS JEREMY SCOTT WINGS 3.0 GOLD SNEAKERS. No substitutes or frauds.

Second, as if on cue, Tom Ford is about to release a new Private Blend – Venetian Bergamot – and on paper it combines two of my favorite things: Tom Ford and bergamot. The former has long been a bastion of this blog, and the latter has been a favorite scent of mine for years. We won’t even get into the fascination and allure that Venice holds. (Surely you remember ‘The Venetian Vanity Ball’ we threw in 2005?) Another sign that this one is meant to be: according to Neiman Marcus, it will be shipped out on my actual birthday, August 24. Thank you, Tom Ford.

Third, a wish of a whiff from across the pond comes courtesy of British gent Richard E. Grant and his ‘Jack’ fragrance. Cries for the Union are answered in this delicious cologne, which feels perfect for the march from summer into fall, and I like to set these things up early.

Finally, given that I’m about to go on my final tour, just send me somewhere fun and far. San Francisco, London, Miami, Chicago, Los Angeles – all would be welcome and fitting jaunts for The Delusional Grandeur Tour. It will be my very last stand, commemorated by my 40th birthday, and a guaranteed something to remember.

Bring me these before the chime of midnight…

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