

A Toasty Recap

Writing this in the throes of the Sunday scaries has me desperate for a small plate of cinnamon toast, heavily slathered with a thick layer of butter. Comfort food of coziness, to see us into another week of winter, full moon and all. On with the weekly recap

Last week began with the saddest day of the year (according to some). 

We slowed the roll with a cup of hot tea.

Shame on all of you for keeping me in the dark.

Twin flame blue.

Does anybody do personal e-mail anymore?

We celebrated this anniversary of… celebration. 

It was all about time… and cuff links. 

Summer speedo look back… way back.

A sweet winter suite.

Coq soup.

A prism of a different corner because we are multitudes.

An unexpected visit from my father.

My beginnings as a flower child.

An old beauty returns, while we’re on the subject of flowers.

Dazzlers of the Day included Nikki Glaser and Andrew Garfield.

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