

A Tay Tay Recap

Tay Tay unexpectedly saved this past summer with the best album of the year, until this past week, when she released ‘evermore’ which is actually even better than ‘folklore’ – and this puts her into the vaunted position as closest successor to the throne currently still, albeit barely, occupied by Madonna. Taylor Swift has earned her place in the pop culture pantheon, weathering time and controversy with an ever-evolving musical talent. And it’s pretty cool to be this inspired at my ripe old age, so I’ll take this album to bed with me and process the lyrical merit, because there is quite a bit that resonates with me. For now, let’s focus on the past week before we have that musical breakdown…

It began with another inspiration: Gunnar Deatherage and his magnificent design universe. 

Adorning myself in holiday finery always lifts the spirits. 

A Japanese umbrella pine likes to be adorned for Christmas too

Gratuitous post-shower shot

This crabby holiday appetizer is simply scrumptious. 

The hype machine is broken.

The Holiday Card 2020: A Family Affair.

Doing the Snoopy dance.

It’s official: the Holiday Stroll 2020 is CANCELED. Well, duh. It’s 20-fucking-20.

This was the week Taylor Swift stepped up to Madonna’s throne. And knocked. Hard. In 2020 she had her ‘Like A Prayer‘ and ‘Ray of Light‘ moments in a single year ~ ‘folklore’ and ‘evermore’. 

‘Tis the damn season.

Hunks of the Day included Anthony Varrecchia, Danny Seo, and Tarok Lee.

And yes, I know. I need a haircut. And honestly, I don’t care. This mess will keep me warmer in the winter. 

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