

A Super-Saturated Recap

An abundance of super-saturated color informs this recap, as I’m feeling the lull of a bleak November begin to creep into the blue skies we’ve been fortunate enough to have of late. An overcast day is somehow more depressing than one raging with storms or weighted with humidity and heat. As it is, we’ve had a lovely stretch of fine fall weather with sunny bright days and blue skies, maybe to make up for such an awful summer. On with the recap before the gray days return….

A downtempo Downtown

Cheery cyclamen

Take on me, but in a slow fashion.

Wearing a rusty cape for fall

The Tiny Telephone Sessions.

Drawn to the forest.

Fuchsia foliage.

The old-fashioned style of streaming.

Friday geometry.

The candle being.

Oh Kalanchoe.

Day-glo naked pics on a day of worship

Rose indulgence.

Dazzlers of the Day included Subrina Dhammi and Lisa S. Lee.

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