

A Super Blue Moon Recap

Normally one to shy away from the full moon for fear of lunacy and other mishaps that too often coincide with its appearance, I felt drawn to the Super Blue Moon that visited on August 30, and managed to capture a coupe of photos before it hid behind a bank of clouds. Maybe the trick to dealing with the madness of a full moon is to embrace it – to stand outside beneath its glory and appreciate its beauty rather than hiding away from its power and might. Perhaps there is a way to harness its energy and not fear its pull. 

On that night, I kept checking on its progress until I found it peeping around the infuriating cloud cover. It was enough – and beneath its blue glow I felt a peace I hadn’t felt in a long while. A moon’s kiss is a magical gift. On with the weekly recap back on earth… 

Summer still burned, even if my mood didn’t quite match its smolder.

There was fog, and perhaps a phantom pheasant.

A possible explanation to the fury and the madness.

A cheeky full-moon post that somehow revealed more than my bare ass.

Nuance is all but lost in today’s world

August departing.

September arriving.

Ferny freshness.

Down with the dumpster fire that is Twitter, err, X.

Climbing and vining before the season is done.

Dazzlers of the Day included Trevor Wayne, Donna Murphy, Nick VannelloSam Heughan and Graham McTavish.


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