Writing this blog post on a Saturday morning, scheduling it for a Sunday morning, and titling it ‘A Sunny Sunday Beginning’ takes a big old set of foolish balls, especially without having consulted any sort of weather app to even attempt something with any accuracy, but such recklessness is what makes writing this ridiculous blog so much fun sometimes. (As does a wildly unwieldy run-on sentence – it’s my blog and I’ll run on if I want to. I’ll even wrongfully end a sentence with a proposition if I want to. Twice.)
Playfulness rears its welcome head when the possibility of a sunny day approaches – and given the meteorologists lately, we just don’t know when that might be, so I’m taking this as that possibility. If it’s dark and dreary, so be it – no sense in worrying about that until it’s actually happening – and even then, what can we possibly change about the weather? What I can do is focus on the diagram presented here – one that dissects the fact that we have finished out the ten darkest days of the past year. It’s only getting lighter until summer, and maybe that’s the energy, and preposition, to end on.
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