

A Summer Glory Recap

…And then, just like that, summer was here, as if someone flipped a happy switch and everything went bright and gay. If only every week could be such a thrill. This marks the time of the year when things go a little quiet. People are starting their vacations, school is out, and the heavy posts feel out of place and lugubrious when there is so much outdoors fun to be had. To that end, you may notice these posts  getting a little lighter too. I’m still intending to give you three-a-day, but they may be a little less dense than usual. On with the recap, because I need to get back in the pool…

After a few dismal weeks of sadness and grief, the summer sun returned, the flowers were in bloom, and the perfume of the season carried on warm breezes.

The latest in the long line of Taylor Swift toys is Tom Hiddleston, in his bulging underwear.

A happy pair: Madonna & Sex.

Another happy pair, with happy tears.

Happy dahlia, stained with rain.

At long last, a couple of Broadway reviews from this year’s trip to NYC: ‘Fun Home‘ and ‘The Humans.

Is there a point to prettiness?

Summer monsters at the movies.

This is the week that many of the US Olympic trials made their decisions on who was going to represent our fair country in the Summer olympics in Rio. The featured pic, in fact, is of several of our gymnasts who flipped, dove, jumped, swung, and pommeled their way to places on the team. As for those who appeared here, we begin with Paul Ruggeri III, Alex Naddour, and David Boudia. (More are on the way…)

Speaking of the Olympics, Greg Louganis got naked and nude for the ESPN Body Issue. There is a God.

Summer hunks doffed shirts and trousers, including Max Ehrich, Marc Buckner, Nolan Ritter, and Alex Crockford.

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