

A Squirming Recap

The spring squirm has me all sorts of antsy for some finer weather and outside living, but until fickle Mother Nature decides not to dump more white stuff on us no guard should be let down. (Looks like we have another possibility of more snow this week, so the time has not yet come for tender annuals.) On with the messy recap… 

Proud and unbowed.

Andy’s love of the message T.

Why so serious?

Awakened by a spring rain.

Chartreuse spring.

My second COVID vaccine down.

Ilagan family fun.

Barely seen, but still there.

Back to my beloved.

The spring squirm.

A gorgeous jacket for a gorgeous quote.

Dazzlers of the Day included Ronen Rubinstein, David Sedaris, The Weeknd, Hope Trautwein, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Elissa Halloran, and Chris Grigas.

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