
A Splashy Recap

A day spent poolside is usually a good day, and as today’s temperatures look to soar again, here’s hoping for another good day. We had a marvelous weekend spent swimming and ducking in and out of air conditioning – the very best sort of summer weekend to have, when reading and meditating formed the bulk of work and chores to be done. On with the weekly recap, as we pause for a deep breath before doing it all over again. August continues unabated…

Once upon a time in your wildest dreams… summer burns music into the memory. 

Preparing the summer way is surely one of life’s greatest pleasures. 

The aforementioned pause of August.

An anniversary dinner in Albany, proving that the heart’s desire may indeed be found no further than one’s own backyard. 

The hunt for baby formula is the latest, and possibly greatest, craze in which I’ve taken part. 

My dear friend Kira made an all-too-rare trip to Albany to visit us, and it was a grand time. 

The fabulous Queenie in all her bejeweled finery

Sharing cocktails has been replaced by sharing a meditation with a friend, and life feels more full because of it. 

A lone cucumber rises in the face of attacks and odds. One must admire the perseverance.

A quietly unremarkable Sunday night blog post, as one does in these parts. 

Dazzlers of the Day included Beyoncé and Bradford Shellhammer.

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