

A Skin-of-the-Pig Recap

We don’t yet know, as of this writing, who the hell is going to win this year’s Super Bowl, but as my friend Skip put it, who cares? I’m right there. I stayed with the nonsense to see what, if anything, Justin Timberlake was going to do to challenge Madonna for an epic halftime performance. Again, this was written before it all went down, so who knows, and who really cares? Nobody beats the Queen. On with the recap of the last week before a brief break.

We began with the beginning of February

Silver and shine.

Satin robe, feathers so fine

A gratuitous Tom Brady Super Bowl post

A naked Justin Timberlake post

Super Bowl spotlight on Rex Burkhead

A super cocktail

Hunks of the Day included Jordan Bruno, Kem Cetinay, Oliver Cheshire, Malcolm Butler, and Allan Kayser, a.k.a. Bubba


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