

A Roaring Recap

While our entry into March has been one of a relatively calm and quiet lion, I’m certain there are several meteorological roars coming before winter departs later this month. Before that, here is our weekly recap for your enjoyment and perusal.

Suzie and I shared a flowering onion in our hometown of Amsterdam, NY.

A man of a certain age running out to get the mail in his underwear in the middle of winter. (See also ‘This Is Me.’)

Cheerful glimpses of hope in the grocery store.

The pendulum of light brings out the bloom of this beauty.

Shirtless male celebrity heat.

A day of leaping deserves an exclamation point!

Move. I’m gay.

A long and slow recuperation.

Swath of snowdrops.

Beware of the woeful Wayfair and equally-awful Angi.

Father Time tricks and treats.

If only… a dangerous frame of mind indeed.

Ten March seconds.

The light of aural heaven – Madonna’s ‘Ray of Light’ celebrates another year of majesty.

The annual pussy drop.

Dazzlers of the Day included Daniel W. Green, Ari Shapiro, BJ Gruber and Barbara Smith.

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