

A Recap to Remember on the 1st of November

A lot went down on the blog in the past week, and as we enter the month of November it’s a good point to pause and remember. Here’s how it all shook out…

It began with a whisper of Halloween in this hint of what took us ten years to make

This week marked two years since I had my last alcoholic drink

Our first Halloween song in ten years came to fruition in a single weekend: this is ‘Home for Halloween’

Smile like you mean it

Abhorring cheap sentimentality.

Cozy in Connecticut

A late show by the hydrangeas.

The blue heron stands.

A cactus for Halloween.

I got boosted like a bad-ass.

This hat was made for Halloween.

And this kid won Halloween.

Our Dazzler of the Day was Dr. Joseph Abramo, who made this year’s Halloween song happen.

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