

A Recap to Begin the Week Spring Returns

Still enraptured by the new twist that Madonna gave to this iconic corset, I’m posting another pic of the ensemble from her Oscar party. That’s about all I have the energy or desire to do right now, so take a look back at the week that came before in this typical Monday morning recap.

As mentioned, Madonna reworked her magical reinvention powers here

A visitor adorned in red.

Duck, duck, no goose.

The Madonna Timeline was back with ‘Joan of Arc’ from the glorious ‘Rebel Heart’ era.

Maluma took some of it off for Playgirl.

Better looks at that Madonna reinvention.

Carnations and stock make for a beautiful pair.

Green and lavender love in a cup.

A crock of a crocus post.

My fake-smiling skills have been honed to steely perfection. That still doesn’t make it right.

A shirtless Lenny Kravitz, John Cena, Zac Efron and more!

Career goals have been supplanted by retirement goals, which is the way life should be.

Dazzlers of the Day included the luminous likes of Eric Andre, Mickey Boardman, Ian Paget, Bobby IlaganGina Yashere, and Nicholas Capolino.

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