

A Recap Thaws Out (& Joe Jonas Heats Up)

A brief thaw of milder weather, typical around this time in January, has left this past week feeling slightly out-of-whack. January thaws mess with the mind far more than Mercury in Retrograde or any full moon, and I wonder why more isn’t made of them.

The biggest news for readers of this blog may have been the big boxer-brief splash made by Joe Jonas in this sexy spread for Guess. It was so good I had to post an additional post of Joe Jonas in his underwear just to make it last.

The biggest news for the owner and writer of this blog, however, was this stunning photo shoot of Madonna for Harper’s Bazaar. It was perfectly-timed to coincide with the return of the Madonna Timeline.

The beauty, grace and power of the snowflake.

A naked Austin Armacost.

A Speedo-clad Trevor Donovan.

Backyard beauty.

Golden hour glamour.

Sunrise splendor.

The New Yorker.

Hunks of the Day included John Legend, Garrison Lambert, Douglas Booth, Ashley McKenzie, Drake Abshire, Romain Barras & Henry Licett.

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