

A Recap that Began A Decade Ago

What a wild, wonderful and whimsical week we’ve had. As I write this, a snow squall is bearing down upon the area, and I’ve just wrapped a plastic tarp around the poor fig tree that’s already outside behind the house. The peonies have kept their heads bowed after a night of snow, and this evening looks to dip into the frost zone as well. There once was a time when the frost-free date was May 6, but that sort of stability has gone away. Nothing is stable anymore. Mother Nature refuses to play according to human-imposed deadlines and rules, and she will not be ignored. We would do best to listen and pay some respect – especially as the rewards may be quite beautiful. Beauty and love informed the highlights of this past week, so let’s go back and quickly revisit them.

Proof of beauty was in the cherries that started popping.

The wisdom of a webmaster, and a friend

Dressed up by leaves of coriander.

‘American Life’ and ‘Bedtime Stories’ by Madonna, and maybe some justice.

There can be beauty in resilience

Hunks of the Day included Rufus Gifford, Lachlan Glen, Callum Kerr and Mark Mester.

Shirley Horn sang to us of violets for her furs, a song straddling spring and winter, not unlike the weather of the week. 

Pissing the night away, literally, not in the British manner. 

The night before the big event.

Our 10th wedding anniversary was celebrated in subdued style, befitting 2020, and we’ll put a pin in a proper Boston celebration when it’s a bit safer to go. We reconstructed our wedding day pose in the same shirts we wore a decade ago (see main photo and the original below), and the day was equally sunny and beautiful beneath the cherry tree in our own backyard. It was also a good time for looking back at ten years of anniversaries

Speaking of cherry trees, this one is currently putting on a fine show.

Another sad part of 2020 was the cancellation of our annual Broadway weekend for Mother’s Day, but we celebrated by looking back at all our previous excursions with this post and this post

The final installment of the ‘Awakening to Awareness’ mini-series concluded in full bloom, setting the stage for the rest of spring and a whole new summer. 

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