
A Recap Marked by a Turn

The week was marked by a turn – a few turns in fact – the first being the turn of the sun as we veer closer to fall. The second being a turn in my health, as I came down with COVID and missed out on a wonderful wedding weekend with dear friends. And the third turn being this cup of hot matcha – the first since the chillier days of early spring, and a foreboding signal of the fall to come. This week will mark the turn of ny life from 48 to 49 (see this birthday wish list before time runs out, or this one). At such turns, perhaps its best to stand still and pause, and go through the previous week in our typical Monday recap

It began with the post silly pronouncement that powdered sugar makes almost every occasion better. As if life could ever be that simple.

Like a lily but still not quite.

Words of wonder.

Zac Efron, shirtlessly pumping.

A coquette apology.

A destination date, suddenly postponed.

Our BroSox Adventure was, as ever, a bright spot in the summer season. It was such fun it took more than one post to fully capture.

An infuriating interruption.

Madonna celebrated her 66th birthday, and in case some of the new people aren’t aware, I still love her. So if you’re going to trash her, or say how much you used to love her but don’t anymore, put that shit on your own social media page, not any of mine. Seriously.

Tom Daley retired with no word on what he’ll do with all those Speedos

A glimpse of Pete Buttigieg shirtless.

The Republican Party is just weird. Let’s stop pretending it’s not, and let’s vote for sanity this November. 

The demure and mindful coquette.

The lone Dazzler of the Day was male model Tobias Reuter, because sometimes being pretty is enough. 

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