

A Recap in the Midst of Chicago

While our Chicago journey pauses for the traditional Monday morning recap, we also pause for spring cleaning. I’ve filled 40 lawn bags of yard debris – a typical number for what it takes to rid our yard of a year’s worth of growth. There is still much to be done – lots of mulching and amending the soil, along with some ruthless editing to keep everything in check. I find my sanity, what little is left of it anyway, in the garden. This year proves no exception. On with the past…

It began in glorious fashion with Zac Efron in a Speedo.

The joy of a tulip.

Easter with the Ilagan twins.

Betty Buckley sings several beautiful stories.

A cheeky artist gets serious.

Fry me a river.

My review of the ‘Sunset Boulevard’ revival.

For inspiration.

The Lenten Rose.

On the last legs of a last tour.

My kind of town.

The call of Chicago.

Beneath the blue water of the belugas.

Windy City revolution.

Chicago, 17 years later.

Hunks of the Day included Telly Leung, Trevante Rhodes, and David Hernandez.


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