

A Recap from the Garden

In times of tumult and sadness, grief and uncertainty, some people reach out and look for a way to connect. On occasion I will do the same, but not this week. It was better to keep to ourselves, to see Andy through a bit of surgery, and to spend time in the garden. I’ll work on social connections in the next few weeks. On with the recap…

A lilac bloom for you

Flower faces to signify the joy of June. 

Yet another sign of this messed-up year.

Making Pad Thai at home.

Our still-unopened pool becomes a haven for all sorts of creatures

A walk in the garden.


The welcome return of the peonies.

Dangling floral bells.

Starry days & starry nights in a song for summer.

The fountain bamboo begins its babble for another century.

Returning to a Renaissance.

And these hunks did their best to show off. 

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