

A Recap Fit for a Gala

The Met Gala is scheduled to take place today, and even in the dastardly disarray of this modern world, it’s still the one event that brings a smile and irresistible inspiration to my countenance. As such, I’m planning on taking the afternoon off from the blogging world (unless something truly awe-inspiring happens), so take your time perusing this weekly recap – it’s the very first one of May, almost always the most wonderful month of the year. 

A happy face gives hope to spring.

Teenage wasteland.

A hint through the haze.

A hint of pink.

My favorite month arrives.

A love of Boston.

Connecticut in the pink.

Spring fruition and summer plans.

GOP upstart Kristi Noem shot and killed a puppy on purpose.

A sunny new perspective.

Madonna’s biggest Celebration ever.

A visit to White Flower Farm – a journey I’ve wanted to make for almost forty years. 

World Naked Gardening Day.

Windflower music.

White and wet.

Bodacious bodies and one bare ass.

Dazzlers of the Day included Nancy Pelosi and Austin Armacost.

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