

A Recap Before the Last Week of Summer

Sorry to bring the summer to a crashing close, especially when we have a few days left, but the writing is on the wall. Get over it. Summer is just about done, and it’s time. I’m welcoming the fall with open arms. There are certainly things I’ll miss, but for now let’s just go back a week. This is a brief one. I’ll do a better summer recap later on…

The best thing in life is being silly with friends. And when we get silly, we get silly.

Sometimes I’ve got to get out and drive.

September 11 was my Dad’s birthday (more pictures yet to come).

After nine months, the official announcement of my new project was made. And the latest installment was one of the main reasons I did it.

There were hunks to close out the season, even if they were somewhat sparse. Still, some saliva should be spilled for Luke Perry and Jason Priestley, and, of course, Ben Cohen.

Always, there were memories of Boston, and my favorite time of the day in my favorite room.

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