
A Recap Before a Week of Gratitude

How we have arrived at the week of Thanksgiving is a marvel to me, and I think it’s such a shock because the weather has been kinder than it usually is at this time of the year, and so it seems like we can’t quite be here yet. I’m still hoping that makes for a short and quick winter to make up for last summer. 

This weekend was spent in Boston for a mental health getaway and a reunion with Kira for our Friendsgiving tradition – but more on that later. For now, the look back at the previous week…

Holiday hinting becomes something more by the end of the week

Raindrops on pine trees

The oak tree leaves, late in falling.

Red against blue in the only way it should matter. 

A mound of sequins, a mound of mesh.

The forest through the trees.

Remembering Andy’s Mum.

Radials of warmth and comfort.

Andy’s chicken curry (still not in a hurry but very much worth the wait).

A wet and colorful explosion of color

November gratitude.

Dazzler of the Day included Jeff Goldblum and Steve Barnes.

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