

A Recap At the Last Week of Summer

It’s late on a Sunday night as I write this – the very last Sunday in this summer of 2023 – and as much as I wished for this summer to be over, I’m pausing to honor the season of the sun, no matter how mixed of a bag it was. There was much rain this time, and many shadows, and loads of loss. And while I pause for this moment, I also welcome the arrival of fall, the advance of a difficult year, the promise of a winter slumber. On with the weekly recap

This is often a quiet week, as the blog always goes dark on 9/11.

My father’s birthday also falls on 9/11 – and this was the first year we honored it without him here

Little-known-fact: my love of gardening stems directly from my Dad. 

Sweet secret of September: the Sweet Autumn Clematis.

Harvesting cucamelons.

Harvest moon love.

Jim Verraros takes a well-deserved bow.

Don’t forget me when I’m gone.

Wild & scrappy.

Exploring Gucci memories made through the nose.

A gratuitous Maluma-in-underwear post.

The lone Dazzler of the Day more than held his own: Steve Grand

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