

A Recap at the Crux of Summer & Fall

This is the week it officially happens: the arrival of fall/the departure of summer. Weather reports have the latter holding on until the bittersweet end. As I write this, we are experiencing a balmy but rainy Sunday morning – an encapsulation of this turn in the year. Some days I don’t mind the rain, and after such a dry stretch this is one of them. I just hope it doesn’t last too long. We’ve only just begun this long trudge back to sunnier days. On with the last week, as we do on Monday morning…

Fall is a Farmer’s Market.

Fall is the glory of morning.

It’s also about being ‘Porn Again’ if you’re the amazing Josh Sabarra.

One of Donald Trump’s supporters told me to “Die. Faggot.” And yes, the most appropriate word is ‘deplorable.’

The eternal question: boxers or briefs?

A pretty poem.

A new season of ‘My Gay Roommate’ comes back and is better than ever.

Powerless to the Zodiac.

Comfort ritual.

Dancing with Nyle DiMarco in his underwear.

More pretty things.

My latest Tom Ford Private Blend, Vert D’Encens, is absolutely exquisite.

Ford’s new film (which looks to feature a naked Jake Gyllenhaal) also looks phenomenal.

Justin Timberlake and his man-spread moment.

The Madonna Timeline returned with a killer-cut from the ‘Rebel Heart’ opus: ‘Devil Pray.’

Hunks straddling the summer/fall seasons included Conor Fay, Billy Gilman, Max George, Cheyenne Jackson, Christopher Gorham,

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