

A Recap Adorned by Palm Fronds

Parting the palms: it’s the day after Palm Sunday and high Holy Week is upon us. May this one be higher than the Empire State. It’s also a rainy Monday, which makes moving into this week extra fun. On with the recap…

Cody Christian went shirtless.

The thread of threads continued.

Tom Ford to the extreme.

The staggering beauty of Diana Vreeland.

Mad Men Zen.

From a writer who knows Dick.

Our Broadway Weekend with Mother has been finalized. 

Recalling the vintage (and my old goatee).

Returning to the scene of my crime. 

Shirtless miscellany.

Hunks of the Day included Garðar Thór Cortes, Toby Levins, and Gideon Glick.



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