

A Foolish Full-Frontal Recap

I find it hard to believe that people are still falling for the full frontal jokes of this day, but silliness can be contagious, and I’ve been afflicted. On with the recap of the last week, in which Mercury finally slid out of retrograde and hopefully restored some order into life. 

It began with a blue spruce in a blue sky

These threads are not golden, but still worth a look. 

Spring + Ice = Sprice

The Beekman Boys introduced me to HSN.

Pietro Boselli’s butt.

The Madonna/Warren Beatty duet from ‘I’m Breathless’ and the summer of ‘Dick Tracy’.

This bird was the word. 

Chris Evans: shirtless American superhero

I need it, I want it, if you get it I will flaunt it. 

Isn’t it Chromantic?

Hunks of the Day included Peter Hermann, Mike Trout, Evan Antin, Jonathan Knight, Michael Berresse, and Ben Hunte.

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