

A Pre-Birthday Wish for My Father

Being that my Dad’s birthday falls unluckily on September 11, or rather that September 11, as we know it, happened to fall on my Dad’s birthday, he usually gets short-shrifted as far as big celebrations go. Fortunately, he wouldn’t have it any other way, and it’s always seemed like his birthday was more of an annoyance to him, and more of a reason for his family and loved ones to celebrate him in spite of his reluctance. Usually I save the day-after for his post, but this year I decided to do a little something before-hand. Having just finished up cooking his Filipino feast (this time I tried a Sinigang Na Carne for the first time, a slightly bitter stew that may prove challenging) we’re having him and some special friends and family over tomorrow. It will be, according to his own preference, a low-key family affair, but made all the more special because of it. Only a fellow Virgo could understand the need for a quiet birthday. Like Father, like Son. Happy Birthday Dad!

(On a side-note, tomorrow this blog will have its traditional one-post-only in honor of those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. There were no words then, and there are none now.)

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