

A Powerless Recap

This post is brought to you by the WiFi and electricity of Suzie and Pat, in whose home I currently write this recap, which will go live as we begin day three without electricity. The less said about that the better, so on with the weekly recap

Whipping the cream.

The first day of spring arrived – oh the irony!

A spring song for your listening pleasure. 

Reviving a Broadway tradition with mother

A blue bird for spring.

‘Da fuck outta here.

Madonna’s ‘Like A Prayer’ album turns 35.

How patchouli takes me back in time.

The BOLD and SEXY style of Luke Evans.

Some other spring.

The backless gown reveals the ass.

When a peek at Justin Timberlake’s abs still isn’t enough.

This week kicked my ass, and I felt it.

A meditation upon ice in spring.

Unwieldy lettuce has been the bane of the salad.

Dazzlers of the Day included Lena Waithe, Noah Williams, Gaby Vincent and Basil Seggos.

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