

A Post-Christmas/Pre-New Year’s Recap

Sandwiched uncomfortably in the midst of this holiday season, made especially disruptive thanks to Christmas and New Year’s falling smack-dab in the middle of the work week, I’m posting this recap a day early, as Monday and Tuesday will be filled with year-end recaps. So many recaps, and mostly of stuff I could not care less to repeat. Here we go – one last weekly one for the year.

Christmas Eve came and went without fanfare, and I couldn’t be happier that it’s done. It was largely ruined for me and the less said or thought about it, the better. 

The Boston Children’s Holiday Hour was also shaded differently this year, but it was still enough to warrant two parts.

A comprehensive Christmas retrospective, not sure why…

Maybe we will cancel Christmas next year.

You know things are off when Sylvia Plath supplies the Christmas quote.

Now onto the purgatorial lull.

A holiday mocktail to make all your dreams come true

When the boughs don’t break and the cradle still falls.

Pistachio cookies to close out the seasonal gluttony. 

Here I lie naked before you

Hunks of the Day included James Lock, Kevin Baker, Jonathan Tucker, DJ Ruckus and Jason Michael Snow.

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