

A Not-So-Scary Recap

The official Halloween post comes in a few hours, but before we get there let’s have our traditional look-back at the previous week. It was one in which fall most definitely arrived, in the form of win, rain and even a bunch of unseasonal snow. There’s no looking back now. We’re in it.

The party event of the year got a revamping, and I got all dressed up for it.

I returned to a very wet Boston, and a sweet reunion with Kira.

The weather was wild but somehow wonderful, enough so that I stalled leaving.

Boston beauty has a way of remaining in the heart.

Fall poetry.

Fall memories.

Longing for summers past… and future.

Pietro Boselli’s shirtless workout routine.

Halloween limbs.

The Hunks of the Day kept things hot: James Marsden, Paolo Roldan, Jake Arrieta, Eddie Judge, Griffin Barrows & the guy featured in the photos for this post, Sam Morris.

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