

A Matcha-Fueled Monday Recap

Andy has come around to the magic and the majesty of matcha, so I dipped into his new bag of green glory and made a cup of it to kick off this work-week. It’s Monday morning, which means it’s time for the weekly blog recap. You know how we roll, and if you don’t, welcome! Pull up a pillow and prepare to be soundly put to sleep…

Nothing beats a cock post to start off a week of blogging, am I right? 

The Wonky and the Wayward (because this sure as shit ain’t ‘The Bold and the Beautiful’ or even ‘The Young and The Restless’). 

A Mexican salad recipe off the cuff and for posterity. 

A day I’d been dreading for years arrived, and it was time. 

Felled, frail, and fighting for the future.

Yeah, I’d likely drop my dick right now if it wasn’t attached to my body.

Cleaning up my cologne cabinet was a wonderful trip down memory lane. 

There may not be crying in baseball, but there was certainly crying at Trader Joe’s

Booty-shot clickbait (forewarned is fair-warned, as they told us in the retail biz). 

Everyone, and everything, wanted to hide from the wind and rain this week.

First-world problems, because until we move to a third-world country, these are the problems we are going to have.

Dazzlers of the Day included Michelle Visage, Ronan Farrow and Jacob Tomsky

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