

A Lilac-Scented Recap

May has been filled with more rain than I’d like, and cooler temperatures than most of us would prefer, but there are still moments of beauty, like on the semi-sunny day this lilac started popping. It’s a hybrid, a posthumous gift from Andy’s Mum that has grown enough to fill out three separate patches in our yard. This was a small-bloom year, as lilacs will sometimes deliver, but that makes this one all the more valued. On with the Monday morning recap

Lunch-time walk in downtown Albany

Art deco dreams.

Cherry blossoms begin again

Our 11th Anniversary.

Lilacs on parade.

Another Queen returns

Lilac wine.

The return of the Madonna Timeline: ‘Love Profusion.’ 

Ostrich ferns unfurling

And even more cherry blossoms in the sky.

Dazzlers of the Day included Cole Walliser, Jose Antonio Vargas, Kamala Harris, and Ted Lieu.

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