

A Last Recap for March

We shall see whether the month exits like a lamb or retains its lion-like properties. Personally, I love a lion. Weather-wise, however, we are ready for something gentler. If it’s a quiet lion, soft and demure, then it is welcome. Otherwise, cue the lambily’s entrance. Or exit. Whatever. On with this recap as sponsored by Mercury in retrograde…

Follow these little threads back to their beginning.

Adam Levine celebrated his birthday in his birthday suit

Is this what God sounds like?

Spring on the ascent

Madonna’s ‘Like A Prayer’ album turned 30 years old

Crotch-shot homage

The magic of Savannah approaches. 

Spring cleaning and daydreaming

The things I regret… and the things I don’t. 

You better let somebody love you before it’s too late. 

Rob Gronkowski: the naked retiree

Hunks of the Day included Michael CampaynoJack Savoretti, Duncan Keith, and Brian Jordan Alvarez.

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