

A Lane of Lindens

Somewhat unfortunately named ‘Kiernan Way’, this little walkway lost an opportunity to be more fittingly christened ‘Linden Lane’ so that’s what I’m calling it in my fantastical head. One of my favorite trees, the Linden is one of the most silently emblematic of the start of summer thanks to its divine perfume issued forth from some of the most inconspicuous blooms to grace the earth.

For many years I would search the area whenever this tree bloomed, looking out for some extravagant profusion of hot pink blossoms or flaming yellow petals. And every year I would miss the trees that were all about me, their sweet perfume drifting down from their branches, all the while obscuring themselves in a cloak of unremarkable foliage and form. Hiding in plain sight, even while their scent announced the presence of something sweet and spectacular. A neat hat trick. 

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