

A January-Ending Recap

Taking pride of place in this post is the gooey melted goodness of my first successful endeavor at making ensaymada. That’s really all that mattered this week. Winter raged, spring presaged, and our emotional state was gauged. It’s there in all its messiness with this wintry recap

The maybe-not-so-minor magic of mindfulness.

The first green of a coiled spring not quite ready to pounce.

Like the whiskey that I’m not drinking, we are aged and mellow.

A necessary Madonna reminder.

When and where passions collide.

The wonder of Wordle, and a little bit more. 

Here & now, work & play.

Meditating through the madness of Mercury in retrograde.

Saturday night candlelight.

My first attempt at ensaymada, and I did not burn the kitchen down, thank you.

Sunday morning sunlight

Dazzlers of the Day included Heather Small and Will Bryant.

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