

A Hyggelig Recap

Moving into winter proper means it’s time to embrace the notion of hygge as a way of making it through the season of slumber. It’s been a bit of a rollercoaster week, so 2022 looks to just pick up the terrible ferocity that was 2021 and aren’t we all the lovelier for it? Anyway, have fun navigating this minefield of posts as we hope for some more calm and tranquil fields in the near future.

Losing my mind in a song of comfort.

Entering one year and exiting another in a state of mindfulness.

This is the Lodge. (As opposed to the Dodge. Or the Rodge.)

A New Year’s tradition

Cozy sleeper.

Morning matcha with a side of Tchaikovsky

Crying by the Christmas tree: a holiday sob story that Hallmark will likely pass on. 

Picking up the pieces and getting on with it again. What choice have we?

A bloody mockery.

For anyone trying a Dry January, or something more lasting, a reminder that it’s ok not to drink

My new favorite cocktail

Like a prince. A naked prince. Many, many years ago… 

Hygge hibernation.

Lawrence Welk, chiffon and Geritol – what life is like nowadays. (And when the word ‘nowadays’ is employed earnestly, you know I’m old – though I still don’t know what Geritol does.)

The Dazzlers of the Day were Katy Perry and Amy Schneider.

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