

A Hotsy-Totsy Recap

Continuing our extreme weather conjuring whenever we throw a party, this past Saturday was a scorcher in every sense of the word. Luckily we bounced guests and ourselves in between the pool and the air conditioning and all was well with the world. Let’s take a quick look back, because some of us need to get back in the pool to survive.

Ease into things with these #TinyThreads.

No teasing, just pleasing. 

A gay summer read.

A hotel in Savanah: the DeSoto.

Yes, Mercury is still in retrograde. Hold onto your hats.

Preventing the ostriches from burning

The New Project: Once Upon A Watercolor.

And a promotional interview from fantasyland: Part 1 and Part 2

The first Madonna Timeline featuring something from Madame X: ‘Future’.

Keeping things even hotter were Hunks of the Day Charlie Taylor, Jacob Elordi, Rylan Clark-Neal, and Rafael Lemes

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