

A Weekly Recap (Because There’s Never Enough Nick Jonas)

The week of Halloween dawns in cool, gray, rainy form, perfect for fall and fine for keeping rowdy costumed kids at bay. The last few days on the blog have found me in catch-up form, and we’re sell not up-to-date, but I like that. By the time this place gives hint as to where I am, I’ll already be gone. Better for would-be-burglars, and safer for safety purposes. Ho-hum, I’m boring myself… on with the weekly recap.

It was the anniversary of Madonna’s ‘Erotica’ album. I’ll give you love, I’ll hit you like a truck, I’ll give you love, I’ll teach you how to…

There was a rare second-crowning of a Hunk of the Day, with this post on Lance Parker.

It’s never too early for a Christmas gift wish list for those who like to plan ahead.

One of the more popular Hunks of the Day has got to be Philip Fusco, who will likely receive his double-crowning any day now.

There’s nothing more inspiring than an artist who is also a gentleman. Unless he is also a Hunk like THomas Wolski.

This was also the week that I finally chronicled our Columbus Day weekend in Ogunquit, such as it was. It began so well, but quickly crashed as my back went down. All because of a few flowers.

There was a last bit of beauty, though, to salvage all in a moment by the sea.

Believe it or not, it’s not always about Madonna and men.

Although, Nick Jonas got all shirtless again, talking bulges and sex scenes and further endearing himself to the gay community, so maybe it is about the men.

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