

A Harvest Moon Hidden

The Harvest Moon, also known as the Corn Moon, rose in full, super form last night, in the second of such shows this September. Drained of color, the sky allowed one brief glimpse of its glory before clouds obscured the light and hid its globular form. I wonder if the cloud cover will work to blunt the madness a full moon can often elicit. I hope it does. I’ll take a day of rain for some of that protection. 

There was a time when farmers used the light of the Harvest Moon to do what its namesake indicated – late night harvesting of vegetables, mostly corn at this time of the year. I haven’t been making my usual outside rounds, and I have no idea what state our backyard gardens are in. When last I checked there were Japanese anemone in bloom, and a coreopsis that I always forget about at this tail-end of the gardening season. 

I also haven’t been to the garden centers or nurseries of late, so I don’t know what sort of bulbs are on offer, nor am I inclined or ambitious enough to purchase any and set up that kind of digging work for myself. It might make a good present and activity for Mom though, so perhaps I’ll pick some up this weekend. She has new space for bulbs, and I’d love the coming spring to be filled with flowers and a chance to start over again at her new home. 

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