

A Gourd-geous Recap

Hurrying toward Halloween, which arrives exactly one week from today, this recap is bracketed by these baby pumpkins, which have their own tales to tell – the growth of a pumpkin, no matter how small and adorable, is not without its harrowing moments. Who knows what summer stories they have which got them to this sad denouement? On with the weekly recap…

The week began amid candlelight and Shirley Horn

A meditative walk in the woods.

The Ben Cohen calendar signals the most wonderful time of the year is coming quickly upon us.

A sexual inspiration for the ears.

30 years of ‘Sex’ and ‘Erotica’ intertwined with death.

Andy celebrated a birthday in his preferred quiet way.

A fall pause.

Hidden hope right in the backyard.

Ornamental orthodoxy.

The view from the attic.

An Albany afternoon.

Dazzlers of the Day included Richard Marx, Mufseen Miah, and David Bagnardi.

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