

A Funky February Recap

No real reason for this to be funky, other than I’m in a funky way. I don’t mean deep-groove funk, I mean funky in the strange, odd, off-kilter way of full-moon moments, or when Mercury is in retrograde. I don’t know if either of those things is happening right now, and that’s probably for the best. May ignorance be bliss. On with the weekly recap…

A really bad parking job

Chris Hemsworth gratuitously shirtless

Adam Levine’s nipples

Tiny Threads run on and on

Best life hack ever? Possibly. 

Eyes of winter.

Tulip curves.

Sky of winter

When Iris eyes are smiling.

Life in miniature.

Tillandsia heads.

My days at the roller skating rink.

Hunks of the Day included: Gabriel Phoenix, Jordan Fisher, David Andrews, and Beau Mirchoff.

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