

A Fruitful February

Fast-forwarding through February goes back to my childhood in the 80’s, when I’d hurry through whatever filler was on the latest Madonna cassette tape to get to the good stuff, much like how we raced through this month to get to spring leaping in like a lion. That’s still a way off, but not a far way – and a land faraway comes into view when one least expects it. February fucks with the mind like this. Winter does too.

This random assortment of fruit was rather awkwardly contained (just barely) in a bowl, and made for a colorful still-life – the sort of random thing that February demands. When the snow keeps dumping and the hits keep coming, one tends to lose their mind in winter madness. This year hasn’t been that bad, but it’s far from over. Hoods and guards up, scarves and gloves at the ready, and button that coat! Full-steam ahead, we charge into February – the final full month of winter for 2023. Here’s a dip into some former Februarys that we survived. 

  • February 2011 ~ Madonna timelines mostly, but worth a peek as it includes her timely ‘Sooner or Later’ Oscars performance. 
  • February 2012 ~ David Beckham’s bulging briefs and the secret I kept for 20 years.
  • February 2013 ~ Daffodils, jonquils and Narcissus, oh my! 
  • February 2014 ~ Shirtless male models and gratuitous male nudity – our stock in trade.
  • February 2015 ~ Tom Daley’s Speedo and some other floral and fashion moments.
  • February 2016 ~ Oscar glory, for real pho, and floral ruins.
  • February 2017 ~ Delectable chocolates, icy beauty, and brotherly love.
  • February 2018 ~ Olympic butts, naked social media synergy, and taking stock of day and night.
  • February 2019 ~ Petting the pussy, a Japanese hot-pot, and several insignificant tiny threads.
  • February 2020 ~ Winter contemplation, Madonna’s Dark Ballet, and Maluma in his Calvins.
  • February 2021 ~Cake from Burma, full moon madness, and a parade of Dazzlers. 
  • February 2022 ~More dazzlers, sweet heat, and signs of spring. 

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